Book, Photography, Testimonials

Apollo 14 Astronaut, Edgar Mitchell

In my book, “Sea & Sand from the Sky”, there is a quote from Apollo 14 Astronaut, Edgar Mitchell:

“We need to make the world safe for
creativity and intuition, for it is creativity
and intuition that will make the world
safe for us.”

To my delight I met Edgar Mitchell in Florida at his home/museum and was inspired by the paintings, photos and memorabilia of his life as an astronaut. I even happened to meet him 41 years to the day that he launched to the moon. On his walls were images of the Space Age dreams of America: the story in photos, drawings and paintings that it had become reality. Besides engineering, technology and hard work, it took vision, courage, and creativity.

And a touch of lightness. On his refrigerator was the sign “Fly Me to the Moon.”

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